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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Gangguan kerja binaan di lokasi parkir Multi Level, Jalan Binjai.

Gangguan kerja binaan di lokasi parkir Multi Level, Jalan Binjai.

Kepada pelanggan-pelanggan kami.

Pihak syarikat sedang menjalankan kerja-kerja kajian tanah di tapak operasi parkir Multi Level, Jalan Binjai. Kerja-kerja ini adalah sebahagian daripada aktiviti-aktiviti pembangunan oleh Kumpulan syarikat KLCC. Kerja-kerja ini dijadualkan akan selesai pada akhir bulan Julai, 2016.

Kerja-kerja ini mungkin menyebabkan sedikit gangguan terhadap laluan keluar / masuk kawasan parkir. Kami telah melakukan segala yang perlu untuk mengurangkan apa-apa jua masalah semasa tuan/puan berurusan dengan kami.

Kami memohon jasa baik tuan/puan untuk memerhati papan-papan tanda dan arahan-arahan dari pihak kami. Kami memohon maaf andainya ada gangguan-gangguan dan halangan-halangan yang menyukarkan pihak tuan/puan sepanjang kerja-kerja tersebut dijalankan.

Terima kasih.

Arah Moden Sdn Bhd

Monday, April 4, 2016

An Evening at KLCC

I am sure everyone knows KLCC. People come here for many reasons. To visit the highest twin tower in the world, to do business, to shop, to have lunch or dinner, to go to the movie or best of all to attend the magnificent performance of the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra and many more. Some of you may come here just to hang out with family and friends.

I have one suggestion. I call it An Evening at KLCC. The event will includes enjoying the sunset, having dinner and relaxing at the cinema.
You are surprised when I said “enjoying the sunset” aren’t you?

You don’t expect to enjoy a sunset in a city centre, do you?

Yes, you can do that at KLCC.

Come to KLCC at around 6.30pm. Park at KLCC Multi Level Parking. It is located at the Jalan
Binjai, next to Asy-Syakirin Mosque. You can straight away park at level 4 (rooftop). If the weather is permitting, in half an hour or so, will be the sunset. You will be watching a beautiful evening sky on the west and a silhouette of KLCC in between.

After sunset, do not go away yet. Wait another half an hour (say until 7.45pm) to enjoy the view of the afterglow.

For Muslim, you may now go to Asy-Syakirin Mosque for the Maghrib prayer. If you get lucky, there may even be a short Usrah at the mosque.

Others may proceed to KLCC Suria for dinner. You have a few options on how to get there. You may go on foot and burn some calories. You can also use the shuttle bus. Car driver can use the shuttle for free by showing your parking ticket. Others will need to purchase a shuttle bus ticket at the Auto Pay Station. It is only RM1 per person.
If you wish, you may also drive to KLCC Suria and park at the basement parking.

At KLCC Suria you may dine at the food courts or you may also choose any of the fast food or other restaurant. You will enjoy the variety of food at a very reasonable price. After dinner, you can continue relaxing and visiting the many shops in the complex.

Before leaving, you may want to go for a movie. It is located at level 3. They are showing the latest movies available in the market.

Those are just a few of the activities which you can enjoy at KLCC. There are many more but that will for you to discover!